List of Publications
Review Papers
Ising spin-1/2 XXZ chain's quantum problems beyond the spinon paradigm
J.M.P. Carmelo and P.D. Sacramento
Chaos 34, 072101 (2024).
Entanglement and Fidelity: Statics and Dynamics
P. D. Sacramento
Symmetry, 15, 1055 (2023).
Changing the topology of electronic systems through interactions or disorder
M.A.N. Araujo, E.V. Castro and P. D. Sacramento
in "Advanced Topological Insulators", 159, Wiley (2019).
Pseudoparticle approach to 1D integrable quantum models
J.M.P. Carmelo and P. D. Sacramento
Physics Reports 749, 1 (2018).
Dynamics of quenched topological edge modes
P. D. Sacramento
in Spin Orbitronics and Topological Properties of Nanostructures: pp. 110-139.
Lecture Notes of the 12th International School on Theoretical Physics (World Scientific, 2018).
- Andreev spectroscopy and vortex structure in iron arsenide superconductors
M.A.N. Araujo, M. Cardoso, P. Ribeiro and P.D. Sacramento
in "Magnetic Mechanism of Superconductivity in Copper Oxide and Pnictide Superconductors"
, Nova Science Publishers (2011)
- Correlation effects in one-dimensional systems
J.M.P. Carmelo, P.D. Sacramento, D. Bozi and L.M. Martelo
in "Strongly Correlated Systems, Coherence and Entanglement",
Eds. J.M.P. Carmelo, P.D. Sacramento, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos and V. Rocha Vieira
(World Scientific, Singapore, 2007).
- Dynamical and spectral properties of low dimensional materials
J.M.P. Carmelo, P.D. Sacramento, D. Bozi and L.M. Martelo
in "Strongly Correlated Systems, Coherence and Entanglement",
Eds. J.M.P. Carmelo, P.D. Sacramento, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos and V. Rocha Vieira
(World Scientific, Singapore, 2007).
- Combined effects of disorder and magnetic field
in superconductors
P. D. Sacramento and J. Lages
in "Superconductivity, Magnetism and Magnets", Editor L.K Tran, page 55 (Nova Science, 2006).
- Multichannel Kondo problem and some applications
P. Schlottmann and P.D. Sacramento
Advances in Physics 42, 641 (1993).
Temperature dependence of charge transport in the half-filled 1D
Hubbard model
J. M. P. Carmelo and P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B Letters 110, L201108 (2024).
Fermi points and topological quantum phase transitions in a multiband superconductor
T.O. Puel, P. D. Sacramento, and M.A. Continentino
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Fast Track Communications 27, 422002 (2015).
Andreev spectroscopy of Majorana states in topological superconductors with multipocket Fermi surfaces
Ana C. Silva, Miguel A. N. Araujo and Pedro D. Sacramento
Europhysics Letters 110, 37008 (2015).
Hall conductivity as bulk signature of topological transitions in superconductors
Pedro D. Sacramento, Miguel A.N. Araujo and Eduardo V. Castro
Europhysics Letters 105, 37011 (2014).
- The TTF finite-energy spectral features in photoemission of
TTF-TCNQ: The Hubbard-chain description
D. Bozi, J. M. P. Carmelo, K. Penc and P. D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Fast Track Communication 20, 022205 (2008).
- Magnetically-induced superconducting correlations: Bogolyubov-de
Gennes calculations of the gap profile in a superconductor with
magnetic order
P.D. Sacramento, V. K. Dugaev, and V. R. Vieira
Rapid Communications, Physical Review B 76, 020510(R) (2007).
- Superconductivity driven by chain coupling and electronic correlations
J. M. P. Carmelo, F. Guinea, K. Penc and P. D. Sacramento.
Europhysics Letters 68, 839 (2004).
- One-electron singular branch lines of the
Hubbard chain
J. M. P. Carmelo, K. Penc, L. M. Martelo, P. D. Sacramento, J. M. B. Lopes
dos Santos, R. Claessen, M. Sing and U. Schwingenschlogl.
Europhysics Letters 67, 233 (2004).
- Finite-frequency optical absorption in 1D conductors and
Mott-Hubbard insulators
J.M.P. Carmelo, N.M.R. Peres and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review Letters 84, 4673 (2000).
- Landau levels and quasiparticle spectrum of extreme
type-II superconductors
Zlatko Tesanovic and Pedro D. Sacramento
Physical Review Letters 80, 1521 (1998).
- Susceptibility of the spin-S Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain
P. D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter Letters 6, L667 (1994).
- Closed-form relations for phase-space representatives of spin-J
V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics A Letters, 27 L783 (1994).
- The Kondo system CuFe: Comparison of theory and experiment
P.D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Solid State Communications, 73, 747 (1990).
- The quadrupolar Kondo effect: Lattice instability and large gamma-values
P.D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Physics Letters A 142, 245 (1989).
Regular Papers
Diffusive spin transport of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain in the Ising regime at zero magnetic field and finite temperature
J.M.P. Carmelo and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review Research (2025).
Entanglement in quenched extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with
anomalous dynamical quantum phase transitions
Cheuk Yiu Wong, Tsz Hin Hui, P. D. Sacramento and W. C. Yu
Physical Review B 110, 054312 (2024).
Distribution of Fisher Zeros in Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions of Two-dimensional Topological Systems
P. D. Sacramento and Wing Chi Yu
Physical Review B 109, 134301 (2024).
Multifractality and pre-thermalization in the quasi-periodically kicked Aubry-Andre-Harper model
Wen Chen, Pedro D. Sacramento, and Rubem Mondaini
Physical Review B 109, 054202 (2024).
Zigzag materials: Selective interchain couplings control the coexistence of one-dimensional physics and deviations from it
J. M. P. Carmelo, P. D. Sacramento, T. Stauber, and D. K. Campbell
Physical Review Research 5, 043058 (2023).
Quasidisorder induced topology
M. F. Madeira and P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 106, 224505 (2022).
Topological states in chiral electronic chains
P. D. Sacramento and M. F. Madeira
Physical Review B 106, 085130 (2022).
The role of q-spin singlet pairs of physical spins in the dynamical
properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising $XXZ$ chain
J.M.P. Carmelo and P. D. Sacramento
Nuclear Physics B 974, 115610 (2022).
Photoinduced anomalous Hall effect in the interacting Haldane model: targeting topological states with pump pulses
Can Shao, P. D. Sacramento and R. Mondaini
Physical Review B 104, 125129 (2021).
Correlations and dynamical quantum phase transitions in an interacting topological insulator
Wing Chi Yu, P. D. Sacramento, Yan Chao Li, and Hai-Qing Lin
Physical Review B 104, 085104 (2021).
One-particle spectral functions of the 1D Fermionic Hubbard model with
one fermion per site at zero and finite magnetic fields
J.M.P. Carmelo, T. Cadez and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 103, 195129 (2021).
Bethe strings in the dynamical structure factor of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg
XXX chain
J. M. P. Carmelo, T. Cadez and P. D. Sacramento
Nuclear Physics B 960, 115175 (2020).
Energy bonds as correlators for long-range symmetry protected topological models and models with long-range topological order
Wing Chi Yu, Chen Cheng, and P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 101, 245131 (2020)
Static and dynamic disorder in topological systems: localized, critical and extended states
T. Cadez, R. Mondaini, E.V. Castro and P.D. Sacramento
Acta Physica Polonica A 135, 1180 (2019)
Detection of topological phases by quasi-local operators
W.C. Yu, P.D. Sacramento, Y.C. Li, D.G. Angelakis and H.Q. Lin
Physical Review B 99, 115113 (2019)
Edge and bulk localization of Floquet topological superconductors
Tilen Cadez, Rubem Mondaini and Pedro D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 99, 014301 (2019)
Vanishing k-space fidelity and phase diagram's bulk-edge-bulk correspondence
P.D. Sacramento, B. Mera and N. Paunkovic
Annals of Physics 401, 40 (2019).
Duality and Topology
P. D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
Annals of Physics 391, 216 (2018).
Dynamical localization and the effects of aperiodicity in Floquet systems
T. Cadez, R. Mondaini and P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 96, 144301 (2017).
4 pi Josephson currents in junctions of hybridized multiband superconductors
T.O. Puel, P.D. Sacramento and M.A. Continentino
Physical Review B 95, 094509 (2017).
Reduced density matrix and order parameters of a topological insulator
Wing Chi Yu, Yan Chao Li, P. D. Sacramento and Hai-Qing Lin
Physical Review B 94, 245123 (2016).
Strain induced topological phase transition at zigzag edges of monolayer
transition-metal dichalcogenides
Linhu Li, Eduardo V. Castro and Pedro D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 94, 195419 (2016).
Zero energy modes in a superconductor with ferromagnetic adatom chains and quantum phase
Tilen Cadez and P.D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 28, 495703 (2016).
Edge mode dynamics of quenched topological wires
P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review E 93, 062117 (2016).
Exponents of the spectral functions and dynamical structure factor of the 1D Lieb-Liniger Bose gas
J.M.P. Carmelo and P. D. Sacramento
Annals of Physics 369, 102 (2016).
Magnetic chains on a triplet superconductor
P. D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27, 445702 (2015).
Singularities of the Dynamical Structure Factors of the Spin 1/2 XXX
Chain at Finite Magnetic Field
J. M. P. Carmelo, P. D. Sacramento, J. D. P. Machado,
and D. K. Campbell
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27, 406001 (2015).
Charge and spin edge currents in two-dimensional Floquet topological superconductors
P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 91, 214518 (2015).
Effect of Majorana fermions on Andreev spectroscopy of multiband topological superconductors
Ana C. Silva, Miguel A. N. Araujo and Pedro D. Sacramento
Acta Physica Polonica A 128, 210 (2015).
Fate of Majorana fermions and Chern numbers after a quantum quench
P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review E 90, 032138 (2014).
Entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum of triplet topological
T. P. Oliveira, P. Ribeiro, P. D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 425702 (2014).
Emergent Nesting of the Fermi-Surface from Local-Moment Description of Iron-Pnictide High-T_c Superconductors
J. P. Rodriguez, M. A. N. Araujo, P. D. Sacramento
European Physical Journal B 87, 163 (2014).
Entanglement modes and topological phase transitions in superconductors
T. P. Oliveira and P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 89, 094512 (2014).
Spinon and eta-spinon correlation functions of the Hubbard chain
P.D. Sacramento, Y.C. Li, S.-J. Gu and J.M.P. Carmelo
European Physical Journal B 86, 507 (2013).
Zero finite-temperature charge stiffness within the half-filled 1D Hubbard model
J.M.P. Carmelo, Shi-Jian Gu and P. D. Sacramento
Annals of Physics 339, 484 (2013).
Change of an insulator's topological properties by a Hubbard interaction
Miguel A.N. Araujo, Eduardo V. Castro and Pedro D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 87, 085109 (2013).
- Charge dynamics in half-filled Hubbard chains with finite on-site interaction
R.G. Pereira, K. Penc, S.R. White, P.D. Sacramento, J.M.P. Carmelo
Physical Review B 85, 165132 (2012).
- Anomalous Hall effect in superconductors with spin-orbit interaction
P.D. Sacramento, M.A.N. Araujo, V.R. Vieira, V.K. Dugaev and J. Barnas
Physical Review B 85, 014518 (2012).
- Fidelity spectrum and phase transitions of quantum systems
P.D. Sacramento, N. Paunkovic and V.R. Vieira
Physical Review A 84, 062318 (2011).
- Fermi surfaces of iron-pnictide high-Tc superconductors from the limit of local magnetic moments
J.P. Rodriguez, M.A.N. Araujo and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 84, 224504 (2011).
- Enhancement of the critical temperature in iron-pnictide superconductors
by finite size effects
M.A.N. Araujo, Antonio M. Garcia-Garcia and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 84, 172502 (2011).
- Finite energy spectral function of an anisotropic 2D system of coupled Hubbard chains
P. Ribeiro, P.D. Sacramento and K. Penc
Physical Review B 84, 045112 (2011).
- Supercurrent-induced domain wall motion
P.D. Sacramento, L.C. Fernandes Silva, G.S. Nunes, M.A.N. Araujo and
V.R. Vieira
Physical Review B 83, 054403 (2011).
- U(1) slave-particle study of the finite-temperature doped Hubbard model
in one and two dimensions
P. Ribeiro, P.D. Sacramento and M.A.N. Araujo
Annals of Physics 326, 1189 (2011), doi:10.1016/j.aop.2010.12.008
- Spin torque on magnetic domain walls exerted by supercurrents
P.D. Sacramento and M.A.N. Araujo
European Physical Journal B 76, 251 (2010). DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2010-00178-2
- Superconductivity in the Anderson lattice: finite-U slave boson description
P.D. Sacramento, J. Aparicio and G.S. Nunes
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 065702 (2010).
- Theory of Andreev reflection in a two-orbital model of
iron-pnictide superconductors
M.A.N. Araujo and P.D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics Conference Series 200, 012008 (2010).
- Correlated magnetic impurities in a superconductor: electron density profiles and
robustness of superconductivity
P.D. Sacramento, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira and M.A.N. Araujo
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 22, 025701 (2010).
- Single-vortex structure in two models of iron pnictide alternating-s
M.A.N. Araujo, M. Cardoso and P.D. Sacramento
New Journal of Physics 11, 113008 (2009).
- Application of the stereographic projection to studies of magnetization
dynamics described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
P.P. Horley, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento and V.K. Dugaev
Journal of Physics A 42, 315211 (2009).
- Quantum waveguide theory of Andreev spectroscopy in multiband
superconductors: The case of iron-pnictides
M.A.N. Araujo and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 79, 174529 (2009)
- Finite-temperature slave-boson description of the ferromagnetic
instabilities of the Anderson lattice
J. Aparicio, G.S. Nunes and P.D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150, 042144 (2009).
- Electron transmission in normal metal/heavy-fermion superconductor junctions:
A two-band model
M.A.N. Araújo and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 77, 134519 (2008).
May 1, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of
Applications of Superconductivity
- Fidelity between partial states as signature of quantum phase transitions
N. Paunkovic, P.D. Sacramento, P. Nogueira, V.R. Vieira and V. K. Dugaev
Physical Review A 77, 052302 (2008).
12, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology
and May
2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information
- Confinement of monopole field lines in a superconductor at finite T
Marco Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo and Pedro D. Sacramento
Annals of Physics 323, 337 (2008),
(doi:10.1016/j.aop.2007.02.007 (2007)).
- Entanglement signatures of the quantum phase transition
induced by a magnetic impurity in a superconductor
P.D. Sacramento, P. Nogueira, V.R. Vieira and V. K. Dugaev
Physical Review B 76, 184517 (2007). (Volume 7, Issue 12 (2007) Virtual Journal of Quantum
- Magnetic impurities in a superconductor: Effect of domain walls
and interference
P.D. Sacramento, V. K. Dugaev, and V. R. Vieira
Physical Review B 76, 014512 (2007)
- Spin transport and spin torque in a magnetic nanowire
with a non-collinear magnetic order
J. Berakdar, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 61, 105 (2007).
- Current-induced spin torque on a domain wall in a magnetic nanowire
V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas, M.A.N. Araujo
and J. Berakdar
International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 1659 (2007).
- Dynamics and domain growth in quantum spin systems
V. Turkowski, V. Rocha Vieira and P.D. Sacramento
in "Strongly Correlated Systems, Coherence and Entanglement",
Eds. J.M.P. Carmelo, P.D. Sacramento, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos and V. Rocha Vieira
(World Scientific, Singapore, 2007).
- Spin transport in magnetic nanowires with domain walls
V.K. Dugaev, M.A.N. Araujo, V. Rocha Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas and J. Berakdar
in "Strongly Correlated Systems, Coherence and Entanglement",
Eds. J.M.P. Carmelo, P.D. Sacramento, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos and V. Rocha Vieira
(World Scientific, Singapore, 2007).
- Vorticity and magnetic shielding in a type-II superconductor
Marco Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo and Pedro D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 8623 (2006).
- Current-induced motion of a domain wall in magnetic nanowires
V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas, M.A.N. Araujo
and J. Berakdar
Physical Review B 74, 054403 (2006).
- Domain growth in the Heisenberg ferromagnet: Effective vector theory of
the S=1/2 model
V.M. Turkowski, P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
Physical Review B 73, 214437 (2006).
- The Hubbard model description of the photoemission TCNQ singular features
J. M. P. Carmelo, K. Penc, P. D. Sacramento, M. Sing and R. Claessen
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 18, 5191 (2006).
- Effects of disorder on the vortex charge
J. Lages and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 73, 134515 (2006).
- Spin accumulation, spin currents, and torque, in the
problem of motion of a sharp domain wall in magnetic nanowires
V.R. Vieira, V.K. Dugaev, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas, M.A.N. Araujo
and J. Berakdar
Physica Status Solidi (b) 243, 193 (2006).
- Local density of states of a strongly type-II d-wave superconductor: The binary alloy
model in a magnetic field
J. Lages and P.D. Sacramento.
Physical Review B 71, 132501 (2005). (Volume 8, Issue 8 (2005) Virtual Journal of
Applications of Superconductivity).
- Application of the pseudofermion dynamical theory to the properties
of quasi-1D compounds
J.M.P. Carmelo, F. Guinea, K. Penc and P.D. Sacramento.
Physica B 359-361, 1427 (2005).
- Effect of impurities and random pinning on the superconducting
vortex state
J. Lages, P.D. Sacramento and Z. Tesanovic.
Physica B 359-361, 542 (2005).
- One and two-electron spectral function line shapes in the
vicinity of the upper-Hubbard bands lower limits
J. M. P. Carmelo, L. M. Martelo and P. D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16, 1375 (2004).
- New method for evaluation of finite-energy few-electron
spectral function expressions
J.M.P. Carmelo, K. Penc, P.D. Sacramento and R. Claessen
Journal de Physique IV France 114, 45 (2004).
- Interplay of disorder and magnetic field in the superconducting vortex state
J. Lages, P. D. Sacramento and Z. Tesanovic.
Physical Review B 69, 094503 (2004).
- Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity
in the Anderson lattice
P. D. Sacramento.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 6285 (2003).
- Electronic structure of the quasi-one-dimensional organic
conductor TTF-TCNQ
M. Sing, U. Schwingenschlogl, R. Claessen, P. Blaha, J. M. P. Carmelo,
L. M. Martelo, P. D. Sacramento, M. Dressel and C. S. Jacobsen
Physical Review B 68, 125111 (2003)
- Non-equilibrium properties of the S=1/2 Heisenberg model in
a time-dependent magnetic field
V. Turkowski, V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento
Physica A 327, 461 (2003).
- Finite-energy Landau liquid theory for the 1D
Hubbard model: Pseudoparticle energy bands and degree
of localization/delocalization
J. M. P. Carmelo and P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 68, 085104 (2003).
- Local f-electron superconductivity in an interacting conduction band
L. P. Oliveira and P. D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 66, 014516 (2002).
- Local moment formation in the periodic Anderson model with
superconducting correlations
M. A. N. Araujo, N. M. R. Peres and P. D. Sacramento.
Physical Review B 65, 012503 (2002)
- Spin dynamics of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic zig-zag
ladder with anisotropy
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 591 (2002).
- Specific heat of the periodic Anderson model: from weak to strong coupling
N. M. R. Peres, P. D. Sacramento and M. A. N. Araujo
Physical Review B 64, 113104 (2001).
- Charge and spin transport in the 1D Hubbard model
N. M. R. Peres, P. D. Sacramento and J. M. P. Carmelo.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13, 5135 (2001).
- Decoupling of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic zig-zag ladder
with anisotropy
V. R. Vieira, N. Guihery, J. P. Rodriguez and P. D. Sacramento.
Physical Review B 63, 224417 (2001).
- Superconductivity in the SU(N) Anderson Lattice
at U infinity
M.A.N. Araujo, N.M.R. Peres, P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
Physical Review B 62, 9800 (2000).
- Spinor description of a general spin-J system
V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento.
Procceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics and
Stochastic Analysis (in honor of Ludwig Streit 60th Birthday) (World
Scientific), pag. 400 (2000).
- Finite-temperature transport in finite-size Hubbard rings in the
strong-coupling limit
N.M.R. Peres, R.G. Dias, P.D. Sacramento and
J.M.P. Carmelo
Physical Review B 61, 5169 (2000).
- Quasiparticle spectrum of a type-II superconductor in a
high magnetic field with randomly pinned vortices
P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 59, 8436 (1999).
- Curvature of levels and charge stiffness of one-dimensional spinless
N.M.R. Peres, P.D. Sacramento, D.K. Campbell and J.M.P. Carmelo
Physical Review B 59, 7382 (1999).
- Hall conductance of a pinned vortex lattice in a high magnetic field
P.D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11, 4861 (1999).
- Lattice coherence vs. incoherent metal in the lattice n-channel
Kondo model
P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
Physical Review B 58, 11119 (1998).
- Finite-energy spectral properties and charge transport in low-
dimensional electronic systems
J. M. P. Carmelo, N. M. R. Peres and P. D. Sacramento
Condensed Matter Theories, vol. 13, p. 227, Edited by
J. da Provid\^{e}ncia and F. B. Malik (Nova Science Publishers, 1998).
- Spin-density wave in Ising-coupled antiferromagnetic chains
J.P. Rodriguez,
P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
Physical Review B 56, 13685 (1997).
- Gapless spectrum in a class of S=1 exchange models with
long-range interactions
P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9, 10687 (1997).
- Haldane gap in the S = 1 Haldane-Shastry model
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira
Zeitschrift fur Physik B 103, 231 (1997).
- Instabilities of the Hubbard chain in a magnetic field
J.M.P. Carmelo, F. Guinea
and P.D. Sacramento
Physical Review B 55, 7565 (1997).
- Haldane gap in a S=1 exchange model with long-range
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira
Zeitschrift fur Physik B 101, 441(1996).
- Some applications of the multichannel Kondo problem
P. Schlottmann and P. D. Sacramento
Physica B 206 - 207, 95 (1995).
- Path integrals of spin-J systems in the holomorphic representation
V.R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento
Nuclear Physics B 448 , 331 (1995).
- Generalized phase-space representatives of spin-J operators in terms of
Bloch coherent states
V.R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento
Annals of Physics 242, 188 (1995).
- Finite-temperature correlation functions of the Haldane-Shastry model
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7, 8619 (1995).
- Thermodynamics of the attractive Hubbard chain
P. D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7, 143 (1995).
- Non-Fermi liquid behavior in the Kondo and Heisenberg models
P. D. Sacramento
``The Hubbard model its physics and mathematical physics", NATO ASI
Series B, 343 273, editores D. Baeriswyl, D.K. Campbell, J.M.P. Carmelo, F.
Guinea e E. Louis, Plenum Press (New York, 1995).
- Spin and charge susceptibilities of the attractive Hubbard chain
P.D. Sacramento
Physica C 235-240, 2159 (1994).
- Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms using coherent states
V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento
Physica A 207, 584 (1994).
- Thermodynamics of the spin-S antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
P. D. Sacramento
Zeitschrift fur Physik B 84, 347 (1994).
- Thermodynamics of a spin-S' impurity in a spin-S antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg chain
P.D. Sacramento
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 5, 6999 (1993).
- Thermodynamics of the n-channel Kondo model for general n and
impurity spin S in a magnetic field
P. D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 3, 9687 (1991).
- Applications of the overcompensated n-channel Kondo problem
P. D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Journal of Applied Physics 70, 5806 (1991).
- Low-temperature properties of a two-level system interacting with conduction
P.D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Physical Review B 43, 13294 (1991).
- Comparison of theory and experiment for the dilute Kondo alloy AgFe
P. D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Physica B 171, 122 (1991).
- Thermodynamic properties of dilute CuCr alloys
P. D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Physical Review B 42, 743 (1990).
- Thermodynamic properties of the two-channel S=1/2 Kondo problem in
a magnetic field
P. D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Physica B 163, 231(1990).
- Thermodynamics of the single-channel Kondo impurity of spin S
in a magnetic field
P. D. Sacramento and P. Schlottmann
Physical Review B 40, 431 (1989).
- Lateral interactions in catalyst poisoning
J.B. Collins, P. Sacramento, P.A. Rikvold and J.D. Gunton
Surface Science 221, 277 (1989)
The Helmholtz free-energy functional for quantum spin-1/2 systems
Pedro D. S. Sacramento and Vitor Rocha Vieira
Journal of Physics C 21, 3099 (1988).
- "Topology in Condensed Matter: An Introduction",
M. Araujo and P.D. Sacramento
World Scientific (2021)
- "Topologia em Materia Condensada: Uma Introducao",
M. Araujo e P.D. Sacramento
IST Press (2020)
- "Mecanica Quantica",
P. Bicudo, P.D. Sacramento,
M. Cardoso, M. Correia, S. Martins, R. Monteiro, M. Paulos,
J. Rosa, J. Santos
IST Press (2017), 2nd Edition
- "Mecanica Quantica, Vol. I",
Authors: M. Cardoso, M. Correia, S. Martins, R. Monteiro, M. Paulos,
J. Rosa, J. Santos, P. Bicudo, P.D. Sacramento
IST Press (2013)
- "Strongly Correlated Systems, Coherence and Entanglement",
Editors: J.M.P. Carmelo, P.D. Sacramento, J.M.B. Lopes dos Santos and V. Rocha Vieira
World Scientific, Singapore (2007)
- "Topology of Strongly Correlated Systems"
Proceedings of the XVIII Lisbon Autumn School
Editors: P. Bicudo, J. E. Ribeiro, P. Sacramento, J. Seixas and
V. Vieira
World Scientific, Singapore (2001)