Spin systems
- Supercurrent-induced domain wall motion
P.D. Sacramento, L.C. Fernandes Silva, G.S. Nunes, M.A.N. Araujo and
V.R. Vieira
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- Spin torque on magnetic domain walls exerted by supercurrents
P.D. Sacramento and M.A.N. Araujo
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- Application of the stereographic projection to studies of magnetization
dynamics described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
P.P. Horley, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento and V.K. Dugaev
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- Spin transport and spin torque in a magnetic nanowire
with a non-collinear magnetic order
J. Berakdar, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas
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- Current-induced spin torque on a domain wall in a magnetic nanowire
V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas, M.A.N. Araujo
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- Dynamics and domain growth in quantum spin systems
V. Turkowski, V. Rocha Vieira and P.D. Sacramento
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- Spin transport in magnetic nanowires with domain walls
V.K. Dugaev, M.A.N. Araujo, V. Rocha Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas and J. Berakdar
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- Current-induced motion of a domain wall in magnetic nanowires
V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas, M.A.N. Araujo
and J. Berakdar
Physical Review B 74, 054403 (2006).
- Domain growth in the Heisenberg ferromagnet: Effective vector theory of
the S=1/2 model
V.M. Turkowski, P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
Physical Review B 73, 214437 (2006).
- Spin accumulation, spin currents, and torque, in the
problem of motion of a sharp domain wall in magnetic nanowires
V.R. Vieira, V.K. Dugaev, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnas, M.A.N. Araujo
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- Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity
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P. D. Sacramento.
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- Non-equilibrium properties of the S=1/2 Heisenberg model in
a time-dependent magnetic field
V. Turkowski, V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento
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- Spin dynamics of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic zig-zag
ladder with anisotropy
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira.
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- Decoupling of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic zig-zag ladder
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V. R. Vieira, N. Guihery, J. P. Rodriguez and P. D. Sacramento.
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- Spinor description of a general spin-J system
V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento.
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- Curvature of levels and charge stiffness of one-dimensional spinless
N.M.R. Peres, P.D. Sacramento, D.K. Campbell and J.M.P. Carmelo
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- Spin-density wave in Ising-coupled antiferromagnetic chains
J.P. Rodriguez,
P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
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- Gapless spectrum in a class of S=1 exchange models with
long-range interactions
P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira
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- Haldane gap in the S = 1 Haldane-Shastry model
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira
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- Haldane gap in a S=1 exchange model with long-range
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira
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V.R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento
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- Generalized phase-space representatives of spin-J operators in terms of
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V.R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento
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- Finite-temperature correlation functions of the Haldane-Shastry model
P. D. Sacramento and V. R. Vieira
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V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento
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V. R. Vieira and P. D. Sacramento
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- Thermodynamics of the spin-S antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
P. D. Sacramento
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P.D. Sacramento
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The Helmholtz free-energy functional for quantum spin-1/2 systems
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